Saturday, June 23, 2007


Pleasure sought is most attained in mutual symbiotism than indulgent me - ism...

Monday, June 18, 2007

Soothsayer II

When all hope is lost, accept reality than fantazise what may have been.

Rumors are ways to preserve a person's memory...each time it gets exaggerated someone's lyrics is added to another's history

Beauty as a phonetic sound : the lark's song, a womans smile, a man's wince and a baby's sigh.

Better to shed tears on your own, soughting a hand to wipe it will only create another crack in the dam


Most of the people who wish to do something with their life and who merely sit there wishing to do something shall in reality not amount to anything.

When death is imminent a lot of thinking is in progress. We think whether we have left behind something for people to remember. We think whether tears will flow even after many years for us. We worry over the talks that shall follow once we leave this world... whether there is truth in any of it and if not who will stand up to talk against it. That’s why they say speak no ill of the dead…why unnecessarily turn them in their graves?

When a person is to marry they shall marry only into the physical realm. For the tryst of two souls shall not be bound be laws that are merely passed on from one generation to another. They are held together by sources that are infinite and cannot be put down in words. The souls need not meet for them to be one…if left free they shall find one another even in the most absurd of realities.

Thought frees a man but imprisons a woman.